8 maja 2024
Międzynarodowe Centrum
Kongresowe w Katowicach

EEC Startup Review



HEALTH & BIOTECHNOLOGY Medycyna, zdrowie, technologie medyczne, farmacja, biotechnologia

AutoCast's mission is to revolutionize the management and treatment of diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) by providing innovative, patient-focused healthcare solutions. Our vision is to transform the lives of diabetes patients with the AutoCast system, which integrates advanced monitoring and ultrasound therapy in specially designed insoles for accessible wound care. Our aim is to improve patients' quality of life through personalized, technology-based treatments tailored to each case for better healthcare outcomes. We're committed to reaching underserved populations, especially in remote areas or with limited healthcare access. Our integrated approach combines an insole with ultrasound technology and treatment adherence monitoring, a reusable external off-loading orthosis, and a comprehensive software ecosystem, dedicating AutoCast to setting new diabetic foot care standards, ensuring effective treatment is accessible to everyone.

Materiały do pobrania
