Robert Kośla
Company: Ministry of Digital Affairs, Poland
Position: Director, Cybersecurity Department
Company: Ministry of Digital Affairs, Poland
Position: Director, Cybersecurity Department
Graduate of the Faculty of Cybernetics at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw. Since 1994 in the Cipher Bureau of the Office of State Protection (UOP). 1998-2006 Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communication Security of the Internal Security Agency (ABW). 2006-2008 delegated to the Ministry of Interior and Administration as National Project Manager responsible for development of the Schengen Information System and Visa Information System in Poland. 2008-2018 Director of the Public Safety, National Security and Defense Sector at Microsoft CEE HQ. 2018-2020 Director of the Department of Cybersecurity of the Ministry of Digital Affairs.
Responsibilities of the Department of Cybersecurity - The Chancellery of the Prime Minister:
· Development of the National Cybersecurity System
· Implementation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy 2019-2024
· Development of the National Cybersecurity Standards
· Supervision of Qualified Trust Service Providers – European QTSPs eIDAS
Building and coordinating the National Cybersecurity Certification System
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