This year, 16 startups qualified for the finals!
They will compete in front of the audience of the largest business event in Central Europe – the European Economic Congress – gathered in the International Congress Centre in Katowice, as well as viewers following the LIVE coverage of the competition on computers, tablets and smart phones, thus increasing chances for a company to attract an investor or a business partner, and catch the interest of media.
Here is a full list of finalists competing in EEC Startup Challenge 2024 in particular categories:
ENVIRONMENT – Ochrona środowiska: technologie dla klimatu, ekologiczne uprawy, smart energy, wykorzystanie surowców, przetwórstwo odpadów
MODERN ECONOMY – Przemysł, energetyka, telekomunikacja, transport, budownictwo, robotyka, automatyzacja
BUSINESS PROCESSES – Zarządzanie, analityka, ICT, cyberbezpieczeństwo, logistyka, HR
- - portal pracy i aktywności dla osób 50+
- Fliko P.S.A.
CLIENT & LIFESTYLE – Handel, customer experience, e-commerce, fintech, edutech, gaming, sport, przemysł czasu wolnego
HEALTH & BIOTECHNOLOGY – Medycyna, zdrowie, technologie medyczne,
farmacja, biotechnologia
The winners will be announced and decorated during an award gala scheduled for 8 May 2024, taking place during the European Economic Congress.