8 May 2024
Międzynarodowe Centrum
Kongresowe in Katowice


This year, 16 startups qualified for the finals!

They will compete in front of the audience of the largest business event in Central Europe – the European Economic Congress – gathered in the International Congress Centre in Katowice, as well as viewers following the LIVE coverage of the competition on computers, tablets and smart phones, thus increasing chances for a company to attract an investor or a business partner, and catch the interest of media.

Here is a full list of finalists competing in EEC Startup Challenge 2024 in particular categories:

ENVIRONMENT – Ochrona środowiska: technologie dla klimatu, ekologiczne uprawy, smart energy, wykorzystanie surowców, przetwórstwo odpadów

MODERN ECONOMY – Przemysł, energetyka, telekomunikacja, transport, budownictwo, robotyka, automatyzacja

BUSINESS PROCESSES – Zarządzanie, analityka, ICT, cyberbezpieczeństwo, logistyka, HR

CLIENT & LIFESTYLE – Handel, customer experience, e-commerce, fintech, edutech, gaming, sport, przemysł czasu wolnego

HEALTH & BIOTECHNOLOGY – Medycyna, zdrowie, technologie medyczne,
farmacja, biotechnologia

The winners will be announced and decorated during an award gala scheduled for 8 May 2024, taking place during the European Economic Congress.


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